NEON-Party of the Life Sciences Faculty @ Radhaus Kleve

14. November 2014
22:00 Uhr
Jugend- & Kulturzentrum Radhaus, 47533 Kleve

Studenten-Party der Fachschaft Life Sciences

Free entry :: 16+ :: Softdrinks 1,50€ - Beer 2,00€

Come an celebrate with us the last party organized by the current constellation of the students representatives of the Life Sciences faculty. Get a neon light, drink with us while coloring you and your friends with neon body colors - bring your own or buy some at Radhaus.
Would be a pleasure if more 5th semesters would join our party ;) There are just a few months left until practical semester - so come and party with us !!

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Andre Gerritzen aus Kleve


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