
Beiträge zum Thema Students

5 Bilder

William Shakespeare in Kleve
The Comedy of Errors

Am  9. Januar 2024 öffnet sich in der Stadthalle Kleve um 19.00 Uhr der Vorhang für das WHITE HORSE THEATRE.   Das Stück "The Comedy of Errors" wird in englischer Sprache angeboten: Two sets of identical twins, both separated as babies, find themselves in the same town on the same day – two masters, both called Antipholus, and two servants, both called Dromio. Adriana, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, thinks Antipholus of Syracuse is her husband…Antipholus of Syracuse makes love to Adriana’s...

  • Kleve
  • 28.08.23

How to Solve Student Accommodation Problems

As long as you have entered the university, there arises one more vital question: where to live? Actually, the range of choices is quite limited, either to rent accommodation or to live in the hall of residence. Of course, if you have heaps of money you can afford buying your own apartment, but these are rare cases. Very often, students opt to settle in the hall of residence if it is provided by educational establishment or to rent dwellings with someone. Oh, if these were all challenges!...

  • Xanten
  • 30.04.15
  • 1

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