Mahdi told his father when he came home, "Dear father, while Soheila was washing her hands today, she suddenly slipped and fell in the pool. Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta

His father said, "Do you think their neighbor did a good job?"

Mahdi replied, "Yes, she did. But the water was cold, and now she is ill. "

His father said," My dear son, on this occasion may not worry about the inconvenience. In this case, it seems like something is drawing the lady towards helping.

People do not always calculate and act according to which benefits them only; they sometimes put their own life in danger. It often happens that someone is hungry, but they are hungry.

They do not immediately benefit from the act, but their affinity to good works encourages them to act in this way.


charolette7 erre aus Schwerte


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