Schach - Kandidatenturnier in London

Garri Kasparov | Foto: wikipedia
  • Garri Kasparov
  • Foto: wikipedia
  • hochgeladen von Rainer Ise

London 15.03.2013 - erster Spieltag

Heute endeten alle 4 Partien in London remis. Bemerkenswert war die völlig symetrische Endstellung im Kampf Aronian gegen Calsen.

Garry Kasparov schreibt auf facebook zum Kandidatenturnler:

Many are asking my opinion on the Candidates tournament that begins today in London to decide the challenger for the world championship. I do not have much to add to what I said before. My sympathies first lie with my Russian compatriots Kramnik, Grischuk, and Svidler. Somehow it would seem wrong for the world title to hop from India to Norway without stopping for a few years back in Russia!

Magnus Carlsen is the best right now and is the favorite. But the favorite does not always win! There are no easy opponents in London and the pressure of being expected to win, as Magnus is, can be a heavy weight. Part of being a champion is accepting that pressure and not letting it interfere with your performance when the spotlight is brightest. Most of all I am hoping for fighting chess from start to finish!

... Es erscheint Kasparov für den WM-Titeln falsch, wenn er von Indien nach Norwegen wandern sollte ohne in Russland ein paar Jahre zu verweilen.^


Rainer Ise aus Weeze


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