Osmanisches Reich

Beiträge zum Thema Osmanisches Reich


Bücherkompass - Rezension: The Ottoman Empire

Titel: The Ottoman Empire Reihe: In Brief – Books for Busy People Art: Geschichte Sprache: Englisch Druck: Amazon Publikationsjahr: 2016 Autor: Anne Davison Umfang: 100 Seiten Bindung: Softcover Preis: 6,96€ ISBN-13: 978-1535004565 Kurzbeschreibung The history of the Ottoman Empire, as with most Empires, is complex. It is also a history that is little understood by the general public. At the same time there are many events that occurred within the context of Ottoman history that the general...

  • Hattingen
  • 08.02.17

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