Joke: The Three Nuns

Foto: Bild stammt aus dem Netz!!
  • Foto: Bild stammt aus dem Netz!!
  • hochgeladen von Torge Auer

Three nuns went up to the heaven.

The first nun came to Peter, and Peter ask her: "Who was the first man in paradies?"

She said:"It was Adam"

And he horns blew up, the angels sang, the gate open and she went through .
Glory Halleluia!

The second nun came to Peter, and Peter ask her:"Who was the first woman in paradies?"

She said:"It was Eve"

And he horns blew up, the angels sang, the gate open and she went through .
Glory Halleluia!

The third nun came to Peter, and Peter ask her:"What was the first sentence that said Eve to Adam?"

She said:"Oh, that's realy a hard one ..."

And he horns blew up, the angels sang, the gate open and she went through .
Glory Halleluia!


Torge Auer aus Hemer


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