A short report about a nice weekend trip to England at Easter


On Thursday evening at about 7 pm, Annika and her boyfriend Sascha took the plane to London-Stansted.
Very early in the morning, they arrived at the flat of Annika's sis Christina who works as an assistant teacher at an academy in Swindon.
Christina prepared a delicious :) English breakfast for Annika and Sascha, and after that Christina showed her school and her town to them.
On Sunday the three of them took part in the so called "clock change run" in Calne.
Christina and Sascha finished the race in nearly the same time (less than 55 minutes) and Annika became the eighth woman in about 44 minutes. "The race was marvellous and I felt really fine", she told later on, "but there were some very fast English women who knew every yard we had to run so that I didn't have the chance of winning this competiton."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7W1al9KUOc (in 2011)

After the race Annika and Sascha went back to London accompanied by Christina.

And where did they go to there, you will guess it, for sure :)

Buckingham Palace, Westminister Abbey with Big Ben, London Eye, the Tower with Tower Bridge, all the famous sights you have to visit when you are in London.

They even met up with a group of young people who celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the STREETS OF LONDON.

(You'll like this song as much as much as I do, for sure .)

During the night, Annika and Sascha stayed in the airport while watching all the people from all over the world who seemed to be tired rather than busy. At about 10 am, they arrived at the airport of Weeze and now they are celebrating Easter with their families.

And here once more: Happy Easter to all of you here in Germany and over there in England


Hildegard van Hueuet aus Xanten


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