The voice Laurenz T. is back!
The major Mr. Christoph Fleischhauer was there as well!


It was a great performance! ❤

Thanks to his lovely wife as well! It was sooo nice to meet you again!!! 

"Ocki",  Judith and all the other members of the LG Alpen were very successful, but Annika and Christina  couldn't run as fast as they are used to! 

Congratulations to all of you, to Babs ❤, Katharina, Claudia, Anita, Dana, Sina and Armin Gero as well! 

Have a look at this nice photo gallery taken during the "Schlossparklauf" in Moers! 

Enjoy it, please! 

To be continued!


Hildegard van Hueuet aus Xanten


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