
Beiträge zum Thema Performance

4 Bilder

Geun Jeong Kim's performance at ArToll's

The performance of Geun Jeong Kim takes place in a small side room with large windows, that let in a filtered light on an overcast day. From the main hall I see only two elegant legs; her hands are accented by large white cuffs, her face is hidden by paper blinds that hang from the ceiling. A tuned-in radio, a tulip in a vase and a small burning candle are the only props. In the side room itself there is a bank against the opposite wall of the artist and from it I see more. A young and pretty...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 03.05.17
  • 1
11 Bilder

Eavesdropping on artists: performance of Béatrice Duport and Stephane Pichard at ArToll's

Must social exchange always have a large element of redundancy? Not if you are creative! It seems to me that Béatrice Duport and Stephane Pichard in their performance at ArToll’s gave a fine example of communication that has a minimum of repetitiveness. Over the years the two artists exchanged images, each sent one in some way referring to the one received. Now they presented their correspondence, I presume it was displayed in chronological order during the performance, in which one beamer...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 28.04.16

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