Our last trip to Christina in Swindon at Pentecost


When we went to Christina, we ...
... saw some seagulls picking bread from people's hands
... we celebrated a catholic Pentecost mass, where we heard a great choir sing
... we had an amazing conversation with Kate, one of the singers whose songs
impressed me / us deeply
... we had a delicious supper in a pub with Christina and Malacky
... we spent the night in a super hotel where we had a fine small talk with two of the
nice employees
(I'm so sorry that I can't show you the photo Nikoleta & Sarah, it's not nice, that's
really true :(

I'd like to say THANK YOU to all the fine people who turned this trip out to be
a wonderful one

Ng :) from Hildegard

And here is the link to Pope Francis' Pentecost mass in Rome



Hildegard van Hueuet aus Xanten


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