Hyun-joo Son

Beiträge zum Thema Hyun-joo Son

8 Bilder

2019 Workshop of the École des Beaux Arts from Versailles
Hyun-joo Son's "Variations: red, yellow, blue"

Through lattice windows the April sun shines, low enough to reach deeply into the large chamber, strong enough to cast saturated shadows. Against this ever changing presence of rays and darkness as background, stand out an object by Korean art student Hyun-joo Son. A slanted spade is supported by a red rod, a yellow rod on the floor completes the form of a triangle. The two coloured rods are immaculate, the spade is soiled, just taken from a shed. The straight cutting part of the blade provides...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 08.05.19

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