Petra Klein

Beiträge zum Thema Petra Klein

2 Bilder

Today, on Saturday, the 16th of May, ...

... the famous match between one group of English football players and one of German players took place on the "TuS-Bolzplatz" on the "Fürstenberg". I don't know what team won, sry, but my daughter Christina who organized the match with René Ullenboom will tell me soon. From 15:30 to 16:30 o'clock, there was a fine concert in the "St. Josef-Hospital". Annika and I were very fond of seeing "Princeton Blue" from the "New College Nottingham" once more. We love the music you play, dear Lucia, dear...

  • Xanten
  • 16.05.15
  • 4
10 Bilder

Eine internationale Fußballbegegnung im Rahmen der "Cooltour": Neun deutsche Spieler fordern neun englische heraus

Jedoch ohne Erfolg! Die Engländer stellten die stärkere Mannschaft, und die beiden Teams trennten sich mit einem Torverhältnis 9:13. Recht viele Tore, werdet ihr / werden Sie, liebe Leserinnen denken, besonders dann, wenn ihr erfahrt / wenn Sie erfahren, dass das Spiel aus nur 25 Minuten pro Halbzeit bestand. Nach dem Spiel gab's aber noch ein hochinteressantes Elfmeter-Schießen, und da fielen die Tore natürlich "en masse". In diesem Jahr nahmen die Gäste den "Alien-Cup" endlich mal wieder mit...

  • Xanten
  • 02.06.13
  • 6
Vereine + Ehrenamt
15 Bilder

Only a short meeting in front of the eXit

As the eXit was closed yesterday evening, the hosts of the English students kept on waiting outside for the musiciens and the dancers who were to arrive from Nottingham. The students were in a very good mood, when they met up with their "new families". They were looking forward to having some nice days and to presenting some good concerts in Germany. Gabie and Dieter Angenendt, the couple that has been organizing the exchange between musiciens and dancers from Xanten and from Nottingham for...

  • Xanten
  • 27.05.13

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