RheinWaal University Project racism

Beiträge zum Thema RheinWaal University Project racism

11 Bilder

Demo in Emmerich: „Let’s make this city racism free“

Kreis Kleve: „Let’s make this district racism free“ Rhein-Waal University: „Let’s sand for international students, for refugees, for immigrants, and for all of us“ Project „racism“ Under the projekt tasks lead by the respected Lecturer Miss Tetilte-Ruebo, we three students of gender and diversity from Rhein-Waal University: Nirjana Ranjitkar, Ashish Shrestha, and Rohina Shakya created the group „Racism“ in order to work against the ill practice (racism) which is still prevailing around us. We...

  • Emmerich am Rhein
  • 12.02.17
  • 3

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