Riddle of the day : Who am I ?

I put out fires and rescue people. Who am I ?
dentist - fire fighter - police officer

I help you when you are sick or hurt. Who am I ?
Veterinarian - baker - doctor

I teach children many things that they need to know . Who am I ?
teacher - mail carrier - pharmacist

I fix cars that have broken down. Who am I ?
nurse - cook - mechanic

I take care of your pets when they are sick. Who am I ?
baker - nurse - veterinarian

I work in a bakery. I make bread and cakes. Who am I ?
libarian - baker - cook

i deliver letters and packages. Who am I ?
mail carrier - garbage man construction worker

I help you to find the books you are looking for. Who am I ?
phamrmacist -garbage man - libarian

Can you think of anybody else? Can you make up any other questions ?


Silke Becker aus Lünen


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