William Shakespeare in Kleve
The Comedy of Errors


Am  9. Januar 2024 öffnet sich in der Stadthalle Kleve um 19.00 Uhr der Vorhang für das WHITE HORSE THEATRE.   Das Stück "The Comedy of Errors" wird in englischer Sprache angeboten:

Two sets of identical twins, both separated as babies, find themselves in the same town on the same day – two masters, both called Antipholus, and two servants, both called Dromio.
Adriana, wife of Antipholus of Ephesus, thinks Antipholus of Syracuse is her husband…Antipholus of Syracuse makes love to Adriana’s sister, not knowing that she thinks he is her brother-in-law…a goldsmith, commissioned to make a chain for Antipholus of Ephesus, gives it to Antipholus of Syracuse – and then demands payment from Antipholus of Ephesus…the two Dromios, sent on various errands through the city, constantly meet each other’s masters and are beaten for failing to carry out their orders…

The Comedy of Errors is a glorious celebration of chaos and disorder, culminating in a heart-warming happy end as the long-lost brothers find themselves and discover their own identities.

Die Tickets kosten € 5,-

Tickets sind erhältlich an allen bek. VVK-Stellen, online unter www.reservix.de, sowie oder im Fachbereich Schulen, Kultur und Sport der Stadt Kleve bei Stephan Derks: 02821/84254 oder Rabea Loffeld: 02821/84364


Rabea Loffeld aus Kleve


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